Join Gia and Keisha for weekly conversations about our beloved friends in Port Charles (and even Nixon Falls), including shout outs for great acting, sparkly outfits and daring hair, well chosen paintings at General Hospital and fresh succulents all over town. Plus a little English major stuff.
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Seven - 09/07/2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Oh no. Bar shampoo. Yup, it's back. In the conversation. Gia and Keisha are still struggling with actually using it. Bottom line, they don't want to sacrifice beauty. Speaking of beauty, the kids looked lovely at the MC pool. That's what the pool is for! Not old people in business suits. Young people in bathing suits. And who will get the next syringe? Cody? Please? Who said Gia and Keisha??!! Point taken.
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Six - 09/05/2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Sonny got arrested??!! What??? Oh right. He's a mobster. A mobster who spends an awful lot of time having lunch with the ladies, shopping for jewelry, cooking,.... He's a lovely man. Where is the justice? If anyone should be thrown in the clink, it's that Wiley kid. Yeesh. It looks like he might develop a drinking problem though. Or, he could be a boy Nelle. Amelia should probably be trained to sleep with one eye open. And let's not spend any more time in the showers at Pentonville, okay? Do we have to be uncomfortable all the time? Well, we are uncomfortable all the time, but that's mostly because of some bad choices. Hospital is our relief.
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Five - 08/31/2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
The clouds have parted, and Gia and Keisha are back! Gia is safe and texting Keisha pictures of squirrels. Yippee.
Also, lots of movement on Hospital. Well, Sasha isn't moving, but everyone else! Gladys continues to disappoint, but manages to make Nina look good. Speaking of looking good, Gia would like Ava's blouse. Keisha would like Olivia's dress. And neither would look good in either. Plus, angry Nikolas is back, but he seems to be less angry. Maybe the bonk on the head did some good? Will Ava be happy to see him? Keep that sculpture handy, girlfriend! There was also some movement in the Curtis and Portia storyline. Mostly involving a coffee table. Unless the coffee table is Pikeman, there are at least two storylines that could use some help. But always good to see Leo!!!
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Four - 08/24/2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
What the hell happened to Comet? Sure, it's a medical drama, but you don't just swap out a horse. Word on the street is Comet got a better offer from Days of Our Lives.
Meanwhile, plenty to discuss re: the humans of Port Charles. And Gia and Keisha do touch on some of it. The bird paintings (two thumbs up), Sam's top (two thumbs out because that's the kind of shirt a lady wears when she needs a ride fast), Trina's dress (two thumbs up, plus Gia got sort of dreamy when talking about this dress, so one of the thumbs was mildly uncomfortable), the hair of convicts (an important aspect of life at Pentonville; two thumbs down for Drew, needless to say), Austin's speech (two thumbs up for showing a little heart), and there was a lot of more important stuff to talk about, but Gia and Keisha got distracted by thoughts on Cool Whip, their own hair, and how to use the word asystole in a sentence (they still don't know).
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Three - 08/21/2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Sooooo. Anna. Valentin. Remember when they were a couple? That was nice. They enjoyed each other. We enjoyed them. Now, well, we enjoy....Nina and Sonny? Not really. Carly and Drew? Come on. Joss and Dex? Eh. Ava and Austin? Sure. Whatever. When did it become so hard to give the people a little love in the afternoon? And weird that Eddie Maine and Olivia are one of the more interesting couples right now. Or was it the lasagna?
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-Two - 08/17/2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Gia and Keisha are back! Gia was traveling. Keisha barely moved. A lot happened over the past week. Or did it? Gregory dropped some beads. Molly and TJ found some eggs. Cody yelled for quite a long time. Brook Lynn got Tracy drunk. Sure. And Felicia might go to work at GH?! Port Charles might lose its only effective detective, but Felicia will bring joy to the hospital, and more Felicia anywhere is a good thing! Also, apologies for a lot of rambling. So much.
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety-One - 08/11/2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
There's something so satisfying about a well placed bonk on the head. Nicely handled, Carly. And isn't Eddie complicated?! Is he a creep or a gentleman? Both?? Plus, how is it that the Eddie Maine amnesia story is holding up much better than, well, just about all of the rest? Like this Pikeman nonsense. This is a medical drama. Unless Pikeman deals in black market organs (body, not church), we're not interested. So to recap, Mason can be bonked on the head weekly, and no one would complain. And maybe it's time for Portia to suffer a mild bonk on the head herself? Eventually, everyone will be someone else, and we can start all over again.
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Episode One Hundred Ninety - 08/07/2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Gia had a great idea--let Sasha be the hero of her own story. Oh, Cody's intentions are good, but he's a little rough around the edges. He can take down Gladys, but let Sasha take down the evil doctor. Anna and Valentin, on the other hand, are a great match. Neither knows when to pull the trigger, and both are buried in baggage. The jury is still out on Spencer and Esme. They do seem to be quite decent to each other, and Ace, but we love our Trina. And Joss's head might explode if they become something. Plus Esme was evil once. Could she be evil again? That's a tricky one. Also, it would be great if someday soon Olivia treated Nina to a knuckle sandwich.
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Episode One Hundred Eighty-Nine - 08/05/2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Gia and Keisha feel as though they have visited both Chechnya and Greece now. Thank you for immersing us in these other cultures, General Hospital. Meanwhile, back in Port Charles, it would be tough to put together a three-legged race. Willow is stuck at home, Curtis is stuck in bed, Molly can't leave her couch, Cody gets beaten up regularly, and he's been stabbed by Sasha. It is a medical drama, after all. The writers are doing their best to move all over town and touch on a lot of storylines, but some are better than others. Not their fault. This is the hand they were dealt. The Eddie Maine story is holding up quite nicely. Eddie, Olivia, and Leo are starting to hit their stride. Curtis could be embarking on a very interesting journey, but it's too soon to know if that story has legs (oh, come on...so bad). And the Molly and TJ story,.....it's gonna be difficult to stay interested in that one. Unless they have a baby who is a tribble (that was all Gia).
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Episode One Hundred Eighty-Eight - 07/31/2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
The temporary writing continues, and Gia and Keisha continue to find reasons to like it (even though they support the staff writers and want the strike to end). Chechnya has finally come into focus, and it looks a lot like Port Charles. Not sure Laura and Valentin really thought this through. And poor Charlotte (original Charlotte!) is without her papa and talking to a comatose mama. Will Lulu wake up? And, more importantly, what will she look like? Maybe we'll see Liesl and Scotty again soon? Please? Anyway, it's all very interesting (well, not the Valiant the pony stuff; we're not six).
#mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #alanarkin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #robertgossett #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox #malcolmjamalwarner #lume #ripjacklynzeman #jasonmomoa #adambelanoff #thecloser #majorcrimes #wings #murphybrown #thecosbyshow #pinkalicious