Join Gia and Keisha for weekly conversations about our beloved friends in Port Charles (and even Nixon Falls), including shout outs for great acting, sparkly outfits and daring hair, well chosen paintings at General Hospital and fresh succulents all over town. Plus a little English major stuff.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Seven - 04/13/2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Hmm. Hard to know how to sell this one. On the one hand, there isn't a lot of talk about bar shampoo, but on the other hand, Gia and Keisha devote about five minutes to utensils and which one they use the most (Gia: fork, Keisha: spoon). So....Uh.....Well, there is some love for Dante, Sonny, Spencer, Trina, Liesl, and, of course, Laura and Esme. Call it a mixed bag. Give it a try. It won't kill you. You might wish you were dead.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Six - 04/10/2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
So much happened on General Hospital Friday and today that Gia and Keisha vowed not to talk about bar shampoo. And they were somewhat successful. At that one thing. And acknowledging a few fine performances: Joss, Esme, Ace. Especially Ace. That guy says so much with just his puffy cheeks and eyes! New D'Emmy category? Why not! Also, a belated thanks to Milo for returning to Port Charles for Epiphany's service and the boy dance. Another Nurses Ball in the books. Phew.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields #neilgaiman #dnice #cq #deborahcox
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Five - 04/06/2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Okay, Gia and Keisha never claimed to be rocket scientists. Maybe that's all that needs to be said.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman #brookeshields
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Four - 04/03/2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
No time to mourn Eileen. Not when we're walking the red carpet where, apparently, everyone comes to die. Does it have to be this way? Also, was there a deal on sequins? Willow should feel lucky that she had a legit excuse to miss this thing. Maybe the performances will save the day? Maybe Gia and Keisha are just grumpy because they don't sparkle?
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Three - 03/30/2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Okay, so Eileen is dead. The good news is she had a dog! Maybe slowly the human characters will be replaced with dogs. Elizabeth could get a dog to replace the hole left by Cam. Ava could get a dog to keep her company on Spoon Island, and maybe train it to bite Esme a little bit. The possibilities are endless. But until that happens, we'll probably have more disastrous plotting and scheming by Anna and Valentin. They really should just hand the reins over to Felicia. Who could maybe adopt Eileen's dog, and together they could make Victor pay. These ideas are all free, General Hospital writers. Help yourselves.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-Two - 03/28/2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Eileen has been tossed off a bridge! Will she wash up on the Pennsylvania side of the river? Did Victor throw his back out tossing Eileen off the bridge, or does he train for this sort of thing? And can Felicia save everyone on the planet singlehandedly? Probably! While all of this was going down, Trina and Marshall had a lovely conversation, Cam showed Esme what decent looks like, Laura and Elizabeth shared a mom moment, Scotty was Scotty, and Felix returned! Lots of nervous energy and tension in Port Charles. What does this mean for the Nurses Ball? Be careful what you wish for, Lucy!
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs #justinebateman
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty-One - 03/23/2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
So much going on in Port Charles! And Gia and Keisha get to all of it. Eventually. The big news--Esme and Ace are living with Laura, Kevin, and Spencer!? That could be a show all by itself! But where does this leave Trina? No good deed goes unpunished for real. And then there's Sonny and Nina, apart. Why not go back to Nixon Falls? Dust off the flannel shirts and rebuild the Tan-O! Please? At least mention the Tan-O once in a while? For Gia and Keisha?
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Episode One Hundred Fifty - 03/20/2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Warning: if you are not a fan of bar shampoo, this episode may not be for you. Not sure what happened, but just when you thought there was nothing left to say about bar shampoo, somehow Gia and Keisha are acting like two people who have just discovered bar shampoo. Oh, they touch on a Hospital moment here and there (Carly's blouse. Nina's blouse), but they barely notice some very noticeable things (Drew's skinny head. Valentin's flat hair.). The good news? No mention of succulents? They promise to try harder next time.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Episode One Hundred Forty-Nine - 03/16/2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Wouldn't it be great if Gregory and Alexis never did speak to each other again? So great. And the time we save there could be given to, well. almost anyone. Except Drew. And possibly Cody. It was nice to see Kristina. Maybe give her a few more lines. Perhaps Liesl and Scotty could get stuck in an elevator together. That might lead to an interesting conversation. Or Victor could go to a wiener specialist. That could be fun. Just give us a break from the crankiness. Please.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Episode One Hundred Forty-Eight - 03/13/2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Bullets are flying in Port Charles! But don't worry--Dex's wound will not prevent him from preparing a lovely chicken piccata. Meanwhile, across town, Drew is just begging for a stray bullet between the eyes. Too harsh? Cody? Same bullet? No? Oh dear. Well, we can all agree Felicia and Laura make a formidable team. As do Carly and Elizabeth! Victor should be scared. Whether or not there's a pathogen that has his wiener in its crosshairs. There's a sentence.
#generalhospital #generalhospitalpodcast #gh #atableatthetano #mauricebenard #kellythiebaud #maurawest #delirious #tshirtgiveaway #barshampoo #daydrinkingwithsethmeyers #hillstreetblues #kinshriner #saveava #nicholaschavez #savediane #stonewallkitchen #hallandoates #superstore #freaksandgeeks #waitingonafriend #memyselfi #freefallin #whosgonnarideyourwildhorses #maneater #whippingpost #colonoscopy #takethenap #alleymills #billylibby #chickadee #fortgorgeous #daydrinkingwithsethandlizzo #marcuscoloma #useastaplegun #riptwitch #ripepiphany #ripsonyaeddy #waywardchickadee #barshampoo #ripmiffy #lovedogs